The ART4EMOTION partners met on the 3rd and 4th of December in Cantabria (ES), at Café de las Artes Teatro, to accomplish the final tasks and finalise the details for the closing of the project.

The colleagues who travelled to Santander to attend the meeting were: from Escola Virolai (Barcellona) Joan Creus and Luis Valero; from La Xixa Teatre (Barcellona) Camila Francovish; from Gaiac (Vilanova de Gaiac, Portugal) Guillermo Magalhães and Antonio Resende; from INOVA+ (based in Matosinhos, Portugal) Beatriz Oliveira; from Matera (Italy) Annamaria Guarino (Materahub), Antonia Rosa Potenza y Maria Vena from IIS Duni-Levi; from Cantabria attended Paz González, Amaia García and Jenny Gómez (Colegio Altamira) and as organisers, from CdAT: Cristian Londoño, Alicia Trueba, Teresa Valdaliso, together with the artist Carmen Gómez.
Apart from two intensive days of meetings where the last issues closing the project were discussed, there was time to walk around the beautiful bay of Santander, to visit the wonderful Centro Botín museum designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano, and to know the peculiar rural project of the Altamira School.